Tshakka Magra'hara

Escort - Dancer - Chef - Masseuse

Dash of this, Nip of that...

A little about me...

Age (OOC/IC): 30
Race: Au Ra
Height: 218cm (7ft2in)
Weight: 179
Clan: Xaela
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sex: Male
Positional Preference: Switch

Wandering Chef of Eorzea

As a wandering Chef Tshakka has traveled far and wide. He has tasted the strangest food you could think of, and has had his taste buds tested time and time again with new strange foods that he encounters.

Q: So what promoted you to be a Chef?

When I was young I basically had no escape from my life on the Steppe. All I wanted to do was get away and see the world. So I made the hard decision to leave my family and do so. I met many wonderful people and some not so wonderful. Then it happened, I was starving during one of those times where life wasn't so nice.

I went up to a small cafe and offered to do anything for just a small meal if possible. The Matron there smiled at me and gave me a bowl of stew and some hearty crusty bread. The scent of the slow simmered meats in a tomato based liquid with fire roasted vegetables tickled my nose even before I let it touch my lips. The moment I put it into my mouth the world exploded around me. I was Hooked then and my journey to find the finest meals began.


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